Researchers program cells to be remote-controlled by light

( -- UCSF researchers have genetically encoded mouse cells to respond to light, creating cells that can be trained to follow a light beam or stop on command like microscopic robots.

Human ES cells progress slowly in myelin's direction

Scientists from the University of Wisconsin, USA, report in the journal Development the successful generation from human embryonic stem cells of a type of cell that can make myelin, a finding that opens up new possibilities ...

Mineral coatings could enable shelf-stable mRNA therapies

A protective mineral coating identified by University of Wisconsin–Madison biomedical engineering researchers could allow powerful messenger RNA therapeutics like COVID-19 vaccines to be stored at room temperature, making ...

Molecular scaffold offers new approaches for spinal cord injury

Northwestern Medicine scientists have developed a molecular "scaffold" capable of enhancing electrical activity and growth in neurons, which may prove useful in treating spinal cord injuries, according to recent results published ...

Spiny mice found to have bone-plated tails

Mammals are a bit odd when it comes to bones. Rather than the bony plates and scales of crocodiles, turtles, lizards, dinosaurs and fish, mammals long ago traded in their ancestral suit of armor for a layer of insulating ...

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