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Temperature-dependent adaptations of whale shark vision

Researchers in Japan led by the RIKEN Center for Biosystems Dynamics Research, Kobe and Osaka Metropolitan University, Osaka, have discovered that whale shark vision has uniquely temperature-dependent adaptations unseen in ...

Humans bite back by deactivating mosquito sperm

New UC Riverside research makes it likely that proteins responsible for activating mosquito sperm can be shut down, preventing them from swimming to or fertilizing eggs.

Learning how cells respond to stressful conditions

Developing approaches to protect human well-being in a changing climate will depend on a deeper understanding of how mammalian cells and organisms adapt to dramatic shifts in temperature and in the availability of food and ...

Determining the tempo of evolution across species

Scientists from Denmark and China have estimated germline mutation rates across vertebrates by sequencing and comparing genetic samples from 151 mother, father, and offspring trios from 68 species of mammals, fishes, birds ...

Rewiring blood cells to give rise to precursors of sperm

Different cell types—say, heart, liver, blood, and sperm cells—possess characteristics that help them carry out their unique jobs in the body. In general, those characteristics are hard-wired. Without intervention, a ...

The genes that made whales gigantic

New research published in Scientific Reports reveals the genes that likely allowed whales to grow to giant sizes compared to their ancestors. The findings highlight the role of four genes (called GHSR, IGFBP7, NCAPG, and ...

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