Satellite sees Western U.S. high mountain blazes

( -- Two of the most destructive fires in the history of Colorado and New Mexico have both now been contained. Together, the High Park Fire in Colorado and the Little Bear Fire in New Mexico have burned well over ...

NASA finds wind shear doing in Tropical Storm Gabekile

Winds outside of Tropical Storm Gabekile are ripping the storm apart. NASA's Aqua satellite provided a visible image of the storm that showed strong northwesterly wind shear was adversely affecting the storm.

NASA sees record-breaking Julia being affected by Igor

Julia is waning in the eastern Atlantic Ocean because of outflow from massive Hurricane Igor, despite his distance far to the west. Satellite imagery from NASA's Aqua satellite showed that Julia's eye was no longer visible, ...

NASA finds Gretel becoming extra-tropical

NASA's Terra satellite passed over the Southern Pacific Ocean and captured an image of Tropical Storm Gretel as it was transitioning into an extra-tropical cyclone, northwest of New Zealand.

NASA satellites see a newborn tropical storm near Madagascar

Forecasters at the Joint Typhoon Warning Center were keeping a close eye on a low pressure area known as System 94S yesterday, and satellite data helped confirm that today it has strengthened into Tropical Storm Bingiza.

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