Related topics: species

Topography shapes mountain biodiversity

A warming climate is likely to drive species to higher, cooler altitudes. A new study highlights a less obvious, yet crucial way in which their new habitat could differ from the one they leave behind.

Protected area design secrets revealed in new study

It is not only size that matters when planning a protected area, other spatial features such as shape are also critical to the number of animal species found there. A new study from the University of Exeter assessed the spatial ...

Biodiversity enhances carbon storage of tropical forests

Tropical forests store 25% of the global carbon and harbour 96% of the world's tree species. But it was not clear whether this high biodiversity really matters for high carbon storage. Now, researchers of the ROBIN project ...

Lakes resist the introduction of new fish

In her dissertation, Anna Henriksson presents a new method of establishing how freshwater fish can defend themselves against an invasion of a new fish species. The method takes into account that resident species in a lake ...

Re-thinking plant and insect diversity

New research by biologists at the University of York shows that plant and insect diversity is more loosely linked than scientists previously believed.

Land animals proliferate faster than aquatic counterparts

Of the nearly 1.5 million known animal species on Earth, those with backbones come in a stunning array of shapes and sizes. Vertebrates include fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals, and the number of species within ...

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