Predicting the 3D structure of biomolecules

Without biomolecules no life: In each cell of an organism, legions of minute machines are working to e.g. transport oxygen, utilize nutrients, or repair damage of genetic information. Functioning of the molecular tool kit ...

Nitrogen may be a sign of habitability

We might commonly think of Earth as having an oxygen-dominated atmosphere, but in reality the molecule makes up only a fifth of our air. Most of what surrounds us is nitrogen, at 78 percent. Astrobiologists are beginning ...

The unique spatial firing patterns of the hippocampal place cells

Bayesian integration is thought to be used by the brain for optimal decision-making based on information from different sources. Recent evidence indicates that the hippocampal place cells use this mechanism to integrate information ...

Recreate the concert in the living room

Hear music of concert hall quality at any place in the room from a stereo recording. The device created by EPFL spin-off Illusonic creates an "acoustic space."

Digital tabletop system with views on demand (w/ Video)

A tabletop system where users can come together and view shared content will be unveiled today. A team of scientists, led by the University of Bristol, have developed the system aimed at supporting mixed-focus collaborative ...

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