Australian vine can boost soybean yield, study says

Growing in its native Australia, the unobtrusive perennial vine Glycine tomentella could easily be overlooked. But the distant relative of soybean contains genetic resources that can substantially increase soybean yield, ...

Study suggests new targets for improving soybean oil content

Scientists working to increase soybean oil content tend to focus their efforts on genes known to impact the plant's seeds, but a Purdue University study shows that genes affecting other plant parts deserve more attention.

Novel soybean regulator affects seed weight and size

Soybean (Glycine max) is an important economic crop that provides edible oil, vegetative protein, and other nutrients for humans. Soybean originated and was domesticated in China. Identification of novel seed regulators through ...

Researchers reveal novel module that influences soybean seed traits

Soybean (Glycine max) is an important economic crop, providing 28.7% of the world's vegetable oil and 70.7% of its protein meal. Seed weight is usually associated with seed size and is one of the most important agronomic ...

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