Study measures early detection of aging in seeds

Aging is a part of life, and plants are no exception. The life cycle of a plant is felt in gene banks that store plant materials, such as seeds. Plant materials in gene banks may be accessed by farmers, researchers, conservationists, ...

Soybean seeding rates and risk

To some, farming might seem simple: plant seeds, help them grow, then sell the product. But the reality is much different. Farming requires many complex decisions throughout the year.

Finding the best seeds to match Africa's needs

Soybean farmers in the United States can choose from a "candy store" of hundreds of varieties of soybean seed—high-yielding seed with proven performance traits for every region and latitude. Soybean farmers in Africa may ...

Palmer amaranth could affect Illinois soybean yield

Although agricultural weed Palmer amaranth (Amaranthus palmeri) primarily impacts southern U.S. states, new research shows it could soon spread further north and damage soybean yields in Illinois.

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