Tiny nanoparticles improve charge transport

Three-dimensional topological insulators are materials that can conduct electric current without resistance—but only on their surface. However, this effect is difficult to measure. This is because these materials usually ...

Researchers report an insulator made of two conductors

Ohm's law is well-known from physics class. It states that the resistance of a conductor and the voltage applied to it determine how much current will flow through the conductor. The electrons in the material—the negatively ...

New opportunities for light-powered battery and fuel cell design

Automotive and other industries are hard at work improving the performance of rechargeable batteries and fuel cells. Now, researchers from Japan have made a discovery that will enable new possibilities for future environmental ...

New way to investigate the electric double layer effect

Progress in lithium-ion (Li-ion) batteries have made all sorts of portable devices feasible and fueled the growth of electronics. However, the intrinsic disadvantages of conventional Li-ion batteries, whose cells use a liquid ...

New technique illuminates DNA helix

Cornell researchers have identified a new way to measure DNA torsional stiffness—how much resistance the helix offers when twisted—information that can potentially shed light on how cells work.

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