Early sowing systems can boost Australian grain industry

New findings from research by La Trobe University and CSIRO made possible with GRDC investment could lead to a significant increase in the Australian wheat crop yield—adding potentially around $1.8 billion to the national ...

Satellites reveal a new view of Earth's water from space

In 1889, near the remote border town of Embudo, New Mexico, John Wesley Powell, the famous explorer of the Grand Canyon and second head of the U.S. Geological Survey, started a quiet scientific revolution.

Benefits of pulses: Good for you and the planet

An illogical revolution has swept the Canadian Prairies and can take over the world. Farmland is now never rested —it is planted and harvested every year —and yet soil health has improved.

New method assesses lead hazard in soil

As Milwaukee, Flint, Michigan and other cities grapple with the toxic impact of lead water pipes, another lead-contamination hazard lurks in soil.

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