Viruses can hitch a ride on bacteria

The interaction of fungi and bacteria in the transport of viruses in the soil ecosystem has been examined by a UFZ research team in a study recently published in The ISME Journal. The scientists showed a novel mechanism of ...

Breaking down glycosides in the gut and in nature

Rarely does a tool become more useful when it's broken, but that's just the case with C-glycoside, a molecule found in many plants, foods, and medicines. To be used by the body, C-glycosides must be broken down. Researchers ...

An unusual molecule protects nerve cells from degeneration

An international research team led by Professor Stephanie Grond from the Institute of Organic Chemistry at the University of Tübingen has found that the natural substance collinolactone reduces artificially-induced stress ...

Clover growth in Mars-like soils boosted by bacterial symbiosis

Clover plants grown in Mars-like soils experience significantly more growth when inoculated with symbiotic nitrogen-fixing bacteria than when left uninoculated. Franklin Harris of Colorado State University, U.S., and colleagues ...

Bacteria stunt with established plant-soil feedback theory

"What I find most alluring about soil life is that you can steer it," researcher Martijn Bezemer of the Institute Biology Leiden (IBL) reveals. "You can ask: What do you want? And then I can transform the soil into something ...

Hidden bacterial hairs power nature's 'electric grid'

A hair-like protein hidden inside bacteria serves as a sort of on-off switch for nature's "electric grid," a global web of bacteria-generated nanowires that permeates all oxygen-less soil and deep ocean beds, Yale researchers ...

Bacteria used to clean diesel-polluted soil in Greenland

Diesel-polluted soil from now-defunct military outposts in Greenland can be remediated using naturally occurring soil bacteria, according to an extensive five-year experiment in Mestersvig, East Greenland, to which the University ...

Earthworms could help reduce antibiotic resistance genes in soil

Earthworms improve the soil by aerating it, breaking down organic matter and mineralizing nutrients. Now, researchers reporting in ACS' Environmental Science & Technology have dug up another possible role: reducing the number ...

Soil bacteria evolve with climate change

While evolution is normally thought of as occurring over millions of years, researchers at the University of California, Irvine have discovered that bacteria can evolve in response to climate change in 18 months. In a study ...

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