Growing cereal crops with less fertilizer

Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have found a way to reduce the amount of nitrogen fertilizers needed to grow cereal crops. The discovery could save farmers in the United States billions of dollars annually ...

Soil microbes return after replanting local native plants

Robust long-term ecosystem restoration relies not just on replanting native vegetation but on the recovery of underlying soil biodiversity—yet this area has received little attention and is poorly understood, Flinders University ...

In soil, death doesn't stop the spread of antibiotic resistance

Dead bacteria can still make their presence felt in the land of the living. New research led by Michigan State University integrative biologists is showing that this could have big implications for antibiotic resistance on ...

Scientists discover new soil viruses

Soil is the unsung hero of our lives. It provides nourishment to crops to provide us with food, offers drainage for rainwater into aquifers, and is a habitat for a variety of organisms. On the microscopic level, soil thrives ...

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