Detecting malicious files uploaded to cloud services

A powerful new computer security tool, called XDet, can detect malicious files being uploaded to a cloud computing service is reported this month in the International Journal of Space-Based and Situated Computing by researchers ...

Microsoft plans celebratory debut of Windows 10

Microsoft on Monday announced plans for a celebratory debut this month of Windows 10 operating software designed to spread the US software titan's offerings across a broad range of devices.

Texas farm goes vertical to net tall yields

In an area of Texas known by locals as "East of Weird" because of its proximity to progressive Austin, a farm is yielding many bushels of fruit and vegetables on a space no larger than a parking space.

Google unveils Android's latest technological tricks

Google's next version of its Android operating system will boast new ways to fetch information, pay merchants and protect privacy on mobile devices as the Internet company duels with Apple in the quest to make their technology ...

Fighting the next generation of cyberattacks

The next generation of cyberattacks will be more sophisticated, more difficult to detect and more capable of wreaking untold damage on the nation's computer systems.

DARPA seeks to create software systems that could last 100 years

As modern software systems continue inexorably to increase in complexity and capability, users have become accustomed to periodic cycles of updating and upgrading to avoid obsolescence—if at some cost in terms of frustration. ...

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