Progress Toward Artificial Tissue?

( -- For modern implants and the growth of artificial tissue and organs, it is important to generate materials with characteristics that closely emulate nature.

A soft solution to the hard problem of energy storage

It's great in the lab, but will it actually work? That's the million-dollar question perpetually leveled at engineering researchers. For a family of layered nanomaterials, developed and studied at Drexel University—and ...

Researchers develop printable lasers

(—A way of printing lasers using everyday inkjet technology has been created by scientists. The development has a wide range of possible applications, ranging from biomedical testing to laser arrays for displays.

The mechanics of puncture finally explained

The feeling of a needle piercing skin is familiar to most people, especially recently as COVID-19 vaccinations gain momentum. But what exactly happens when a needle punctures skin? The answer is revealed in a new paper published ...

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