Turning the heat on organizing energy

(PhysOrg.com) -- Conventional wisdom suggests that when exposing a crystal to heat, the thermal energy within the crystal would spread uniformly across the lattice.

Sugar-Coated Nanotubes Deliver High-Dose Radiotherapy

Starting with simple carbon nanotubes, a team of researchers from the United Kingdom and Spain has developed a sugar-coated nanocapsule that can deliver large doses of radioactivity to tumors. The researchers envision developing ...

Blocking iodide transport by inhibiting the sodium iodide symporter

(Phys.org)—Iodide entrapment in the thyroid gland is essential, and plays a key role in dysfunctions such as thyroid and breast cancers, thyroiditis, Graves–Basedow disease, and Hashimoto's disease. The accidents at Chernobyl ...

Diplomat says minuscule fallout reaches Calif.

(AP) -- The first radioactive fallout from Japan's crippled nuclear plant reached Southern California early Friday, but the readings indicate levels far below a level that could endanger people, according to a diplomat.