Project compiles 200 years of conflict data

The adage of the need to remember the past to avoid repeating it is certainly applicable to international confrontations as history is filled with nations repeating conflicts again and again.

Large variation seen in how many relatives Swedes have

Relatives often play an important role in people's lives. Family members such as cousins, grandparents and grandchildren form part of an individual's social network and can provide significant support, ranging from child-rearing ...

Energy production is powered by more than just physics

Large-scale energy generation projects depend on economics and politics as much as they do on the availability of natural resources and raw materials. Power plant output also extends far beyond electricity, producing a variety ...

Unraveling complex systems: The backtracking dynamical cavity method

In physics, a "disordered system" refers to a physical system whose components—e.g., its atoms—are not organized in any discernible way. Like a drawer full of random socks, a disordered system lacks a well-defined, ordered ...

New call for joint effort to bolster research integrity

Who's responsible for upholding research integrity, mitigating misinformation or disinformation and increasing trust in research? Everyone, even those reporting on research, says a new article published by leading research ...

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