'Technostress' and the role of the welfare state

Technological change is currently driving fundamental changes to the world of work—with significant consequences for social inequality. Against this backdrop, the interdisciplinary research project "Digitalization, Automation ...

Social media influencers may affect more than voter opinions

If Thanksgiving dinner conversations have turned into heated political arguments over the past two decades, social media may be to blame. Popular social media figures—or influencers—who create or share distorted political ...

The path to net-zero emissions runs through industry

As government leaders and climate negotiators gather in Dubai for the COP28 United Nations climate conference, an enormous challenge looms over the proceedings: decarbonizing the global industrial sector.

Framework provides guidance for ethical wildlife management

Wildlife management decisions and practices face increasing ethical scrutiny. In research published in the Journal of Wildlife Management, investigators have developed a framework for incorporating ethical considerations ...

Project compiles 200 years of conflict data

The adage of the need to remember the past to avoid repeating it is certainly applicable to international confrontations as history is filled with nations repeating conflicts again and again.

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