New insights into social norms can drive positive social changes

New Curtin research has shed light on why people adopt social norms or conventions, such as hand shaking versus fist bumping, walking on the left or right side of a footpath, or using metric or imperial measurements, by employing ...

Researchers explore how people respond to wildfire smoke

As wildfires become commonplace in the western U.S. and around the world, checking the daily air quality warning has become as routine as checking the weather. But what people do with that data—whether it drives them to ...

How social norms influence consumer behavior

Researchers from Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, HEC Montréal, and University of New South Wales, UNSW Sydney published a new paper in the Journal of Marketing that performs a meta-analysis of extant research on social ...

Social norms influence willingness to protect the climate

People contribute only very little to climate protection, because they underestimate the willingness of others to contribute. This is the central result of a new study by the behavioral economists Peter Andre, Teodora Boneva, ...

Effects of smartphone bans in the workplace

For many of us, our smartphone has become our ever-present companion and is usually far more than just a phone. Thanks to the constant availability of online content as well as our reachability through messenger services ...

How gender norms and job loss affect relationship status

In cultures that place a high value on conventional gender norms, particularly those that prize men as the breadwinners in a family, their unemployment plays an outsized role in whether a romantic relationship ultimately ...

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