How populists' election results lead to far-right demonstrations

In liberal-leaning municipalities, there is an increased probability of far-right demonstrations in the wake of unexpectedly strong election results by right-wing populists. This is one of the insights from an investigation ...

World Bank report recognises importance of measurement beyond GDP

The World Bank's flagship report, The Changing Wealth of Nations/ for the first time emphasizes the importance of social capital to sustainability. By including the role of trust, social norms and community cohesiveness in ...

Widespread masking encourages others to wear masks

The increased use of face coverings as a defense against COVID-19 creates social norms that encourage more people to mask up in public, according to a new study co-authored by Yale researchers.

New insights into social norms can drive positive social changes

New Curtin research has shed light on why people adopt social norms or conventions, such as hand shaking versus fist bumping, walking on the left or right side of a footpath, or using metric or imperial measurements, by employing ...

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