Fluorescent protein sheds light on bee brains

An international team of bee researchers involving Heinrich Heine University Düsseldorf (HHU) has integrated a calcium sensor into honey bees to enable the study of neural information processing including response to odors. ...

Neuroscientist investigates social cognition in biased juries

Bias in juries pose a serious challenge for judges and attorneys to conduct fair, equal and impartial trials. A recent paper published in Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience considers the overlap between social cognitive ...

Honeybees ultra-connected by their microbiome

Some insects (e.g., ants and some bees) live in intricately structured societies or colonies. Their colonies can comprise thousands of individuals specialized on different tasks. Most individuals are sterile, devoting their ...

Social connection drives learning in bird brain

Juvenile zebra finches learn songs directly from a tutor—usually their father—through a social interaction that keeps them motivated and on-task. Young birds who simply hear the songs through a speaker, without the tutor's ...

No, the human brain did not shrink 3,000 years ago: research

Did the 12th century B.C.E.—a time when humans were forging great empires and developing new forms of written text—coincide with an evolutionary reduction in brain size? Think again, says a UNLV-led team of researchers ...

Zooming across the political divide

Social psychologists at UCLA have done what seems impossible, at least on the internet: getting liberals and conservatives to have meaningful and congenial political discussions.

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