How recess helps students learn

As parents and schools seek to support students' social and emotional needs—and teach them what they need to learn—some education leaders are missing one particularly effective opportunity.

Housework or sleep? Study says it depends when you were born

When Gen Xer Amy Rottier went shopping for her young children two decades ago, she drove to a mall and browsed for what she needed. Her millennial daughter, Helen, who is studying for a doctorate and doesn't have children, ...

Bat study reveals secrets of the social brain

Whether chatting with friends at a dinner party or managing a high-stakes meeting at work, communicating with others in a group requires a complex set of mental tasks. Our brains must track who is speaking and what is being ...

Sexual relationship norms affected by social media

Men and women often have differing views around the expected norms for romantic relationships, consent and sexual activity, and the messages and images they consume on social media may play a role in shaping those perceptions, ...

How to protect your dog from kennel cough

If you have a pet—specifically a dog—then you have probably heard about kennel cough, an infection caused by bacteria or viruses that causes respiratory irritation and a deep, painful-sounding cough. In recent months, ...

Lonely flies, like many humans, eat more and sleep less

COVID-19 lockdowns scrambled sleep schedules and stretched waistlines. One culprit may be social isolation itself. Scientists have found that lone fruit flies quarantined in test tubes sleep too little and eat too much after ...

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