Brain imaging shows what happens when we question fake news

Misinformation on social media may seem like an intractable problem, but a new study from business researchers at The University of Texas at Austin shows that asking a single question can be a powerful weapon against fake ...

Behind the crypto hype is an ideology of social change

Ads for blockchain, NFTs and cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin seem to be everywhere. Crypto technologies are being promoted as a replacement for banks; a new way to buy art; the next big investment opportunity, and an essential ...

Mid-Atlantic island girds for feared quake, volcano eruption

Authorities on a Portuguese island in the North Atlantic are preparing for the possible evacuation of local people, as six straight days of minor temblors stoke fears of a possible major earthquake or volcanic eruption.

Smart urban planning makes daily life smooth in Finland

For several years in a row, Finland has topped the prestigious World Happiness Report, bringing a lot of attention to the modest Nordic country of 5.5 million people. What's the recipe for a content and healthy city in a ...

Getting to know local cops could reduce crime rates

Providing residents with information about their neighborhood police officers may reduce crime rates, suggests a Nature paper. The combined results from laboratory and field studies suggest that our sense of anonymity depends ...

How to repair work relationships after making a social blunder

If you feel your social skills have gone downhill, you're not alone. After nearly two years of working from home, and much less social activity outside of work, we're likely to commit more unintentional lapses in etiquette, ...

How sport can help young people become better citizens

Most Australians have followed health advice to wear face masks and have COVID-19 vaccinations. Actions like these that benefit others are known in psychology as prosocial behaviors. In a COVID context, prosocial behaviors ...

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