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Android software puts Google at heart of mobile life

The Google Android operating system, the target of a long-running EU antitrust investigation, powers the vast majority of the world's smartphones and firmly rules the mobile world.

Expert advises caution in online sharing

Seymour "Sy" Goodman, an expert on information security at Georgia Tech's Sam Nunn School of International Affairs, does not have a Facebook page.

Samsung looks to life beyond the smartphone

After years of record profit growth, tech giant Samsung Electronics looks to be at a commercial crossroads as it searches for a new growth driver to counter slowing sales of its phenomenally successful smartphones.

A miniature gas sensor for mobile devices

VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland has developed a miniature gas sensor that can be connected to mobile devices. Gas measurements made with smartphones will make activities such as the detection of internal air problems ...

Smartphone cradle, app detect toxins, bacteria (w/ Video)

Afraid there may be peanuts or other allergens hiding in that cookie? Thanks to a cradle and app that turn your smartphone into a handheld biosensor, you may soon be able to run on-the-spot tests for food safety, environmental ...

Bikeshare cycles dumped en masse in China

More than 500 bicycles from China's flourishing bike-sharing companies have been dumped in huge piles on the streets of the southern city of Shenzhen, reports said.

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