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Intel cuts sales outlook as PC sales slump

(AP)—Intel Corp., the world's largest maker of chips for PCs, put a brave face on the decline of the global PC sales earlier this year, saying it expected its own sales to grow. Now, it's backtracking, saying sales will ...

Patent shows Samsung's rival to Google Glass

A patent filing shows Samsung Electronics Co. is working on a device it calls sports glasses in a possible response to Google's Internet-connected eyewear.

Happiness: There's an app for that

Pick up your smartphone. How are financial markets faring? Check Dow Jones or the S&P 500. Average temperature in the United State last July 4th? Steer your iPad over to the National Weather Service. OK, so how unhappy was ...

Tablets, smartphones steal scene at Tokyo toy show

A toy helicopter created from cannibalised smartphones was among the main attractions at a huge toy show in Tokyo on Friday, where producers were targeting the young and the young-at-heart.

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