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IBM to invest $3 billion in 'Internet of Things' unit

IBM is investing $3 billion to build an "Internet of Things" division aimed at harnessing the massive trove of data collected by smartphones, tablets, connected vehicles and appliances and using it to help companies better ...

Why restaurants want you to order food on your phone

Swipe, click, food. The ability to order food with the click of a few buttons on a smartphone is becoming widespread - even fast-food companies are getting in on the action. But the technology - which in some cases tracks ...

What shopping will look like in the future

When it comes to shopping, more Americans are skipping the stores and pulling out their smartphones and tablets. Still, there's more on the horizon for shopping than just point-and-clicking.

Intel revamps chipsets in new mobile push

Intel Corp. on Monday unveiled a new line of computer chips as part of the tech giant's efforts to gain traction in the fast-growing mobile sector.

Washington takes on Uber with its own taxi app

Washington is developing a smartphone app to enable its taxis to compete head-on with Uber and other ride-sharing services, the US capital's taxi commission said Friday.

New device for quick and accurate detection of lead

A research team from the Department of Chemistry of Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) has invented a portable device for one-stop detection of lead concentration in drinking water. The DNA-based device, which works together ...

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