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Taiwan probes HTC staff over secrets theft

Taiwanese prosecutors are investigating allegations that three employees at leading smartphone maker HTC stole trade secrets to sell to Chinese firms, reports said Saturday.

FAA moving toward easing electronic device use

The U.S. government is moving toward easing restrictions on airline passengers using electronic devices to listen to music, play games, read books, watch movies and work during taxiing, takeoffs and landings.

NutriPhone dials in fast, affordable health care

The modern medical lab is an amazing place. With just a few drops of blood, technicians can use state-of-the-art equipment to gather complex information about a person's nutrition, monitor cholesterol levels and screen for ...

Intel mobile chip strategy could prove costly

Just when Intel Corp. finally is making real progress in the desperate push to get its chips into smartphones and tablets, the tech titan finds itself in a Catch-22.

Smartphones, Twitter help gauge crowd size

Data from smartphones and Twitter can accurately show the size of a crowd, helping first responders in an emergency, a study on Wednesday said.

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