Related topics: species

New research shows alarming decline in small mammals in the UK

In the first study of its kind in the UK, researchers have demonstrated a worrying decline in small mammals in Britain. The species found to be the worst affected are the harvest mouse and weasel, which were found to be shrinking ...

Studies detail impact of mammal species decline in Neotropics

Mammal defaunation—the loss of mammals to extinction, extirpation and population decline—in the Neotropics and its adverse effects is the focus for two scientific papers produced recently by a group of scientists led ...

Roadkill study identifies animals most at risk in Europe

Around 194 million birds and 29 million mammals are thought to be killed each year on European roads, according to a new study that has ranked the most vulnerable species.An international research team used 90 roadkill surveys ...

Bornean treeshrews can take the heat

As human activity shapes Earth's climate, animals must increasingly adapt to new environmental conditions. The thermoneutral zone—the ambient temperature range in which mammals can maintain their body temperature without ...

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