Graduate glut spells underused skills and dissatisfaction for many

Graduates are taking up jobs that don't fully use their skills and as a result are causing high turnover for employers, claims new research published today in the journal Human Relations, published by SAGE. The findings raise ...

High-skilled visa requests likely to exceed supply

The U.S. Homeland Security Department expects applications for high-skilled immigration visas to outpace the available supply in a matter of days, one of the fastest runs on the much-sought-after work permits in years and ...

US visa day sparks new debate on tech workers

As the US government opened up visa applications Monday for highly skilled immigrants, debate flared anew on the tech sector's demands to be able to hire more foreign workers.

EU looks to hi-tech sector for jobs

Even with unemployment at record highs, there are hundreds of thousands of jobs available in information technology that governments and companies must work together to fill, the European Commission said Monday.

Microsoft suggests charging employers for extra worker visas

Faced with 6,000 job openings and a Congress unresponsive to admitting more skilled workers from overseas, Microsoft on Thursday offered what it hopes will be a twofer solution: charging employers hundreds of millions of ...

How Australia survived the global financial crisis unscathed

A detailed picture of how Australia coped during the global financial crisis has been provided by the latest report from the Household Income and Labour Dynamics in Australia (HILDA) Survey, produced by the Melbourne Institute ...

India takes US visa fee hike to WTO

India is challenging the United States at the World Trade Organisation over increased visa fees for skilled workers that have hit the country's flagship outsourcing firms, an official said Tuesday.

Developing countries face digital divide: study

The World Economic Forum said Wednesday that the BRICS countries, despite their booming economies, are lagging behind their rivals when it comes to capitalizing on Internet technologies.

Many lower-skilled men find employment precarious

( -- The U.S. unemployment rate of about 8 percent masks a far greater problem: the precarious situation of working-age men with modest education and few job skills, new analysis from the La Follette School of ...

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