Soft skills training boosts productivity

Workers with well-honed soft skills—time and stress management, problem-solving, communication and good teamwork, for example—tend to work at better firms and fetch higher wages.

New study addresses lack of American engineers and scientists

A new study by Huy Le, associate professor of management at The University of Texas at San Antonio (UTSA), identifies factors that could lead more young students to successful careers in the science, technology, engineering ...

Researchers find little evidence to support skills gap claims

A shortage of skilled workers is often the reason many employers say they struggle to find qualified employees to fill vacancies or expand their business. It's become such a concern that public officials in many states are ...

Migrant employment on the rise

Skilled migrants are enjoying better jobs and higher levels of employment thanks to a shift in policy, according to a new study by the Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social Research at the University of Melbourne.

Culture clash impacts on bottom line

Flat organisations confuse foreign workers, and this in turn reduces Norwegian industrial efficiency. Norwegian researchers are now getting to grips with this issue. In collaboration with Grande Entreprenør and Kværner ...

Study finds no 'skills gap' in Wisconsin labor market

Wisconsin's labor market shows no evidence of an existing or impending general "skills gaps," according to a new analysis by a team of graduate students at UW-Madison's La Follette School of Public Affairs.

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