Related topics: protein · dinosaurs · archaeologists

BaTboT is up for imitating smart bat maneuvers

( -- Robotics researchers in Spain and the U.S. are studying bats for their design work on drones. Bat wings are highly articulated, with skeletons similar to those of human arms and hands. The researchers have built ...

London rail workers find likely plague burial pit (Update)

Workers digging a new railway line in London have uncovered what they believe is a burial ground containing victims of the Black Death—a plague that wiped out as much as half of London's inhabitants when it swept the city ...

Muscle reconstruction reveals how dinosaurs stood

( -- Much is known about the dinosaurs that walked on 4 legs like Stegosaurus and Triceratops, but their stance has been a topic of debate, until now. Scientists at the Natural History Museum have revealed how these ...

New 'lost relative' of Triceratops found in New Mexico

A fossil found over twenty years ago on the ranch of CNN founder Ted Turner has been discovered to be a new species of horned dinosaur (ceratopsid) not previously found in North America.

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