Highly sensitive sensors show promise in enhancing human touch

People rely on a highly tuned sense of touch to manipulate objects, but injuries to the skin and the simple act of wearing gloves can impair this ability. Surgeons, for example, find that gloves decrease their ability to ...

Achieving dynamic imaging of interfacial electrochemistry

A research team led by Prof. Liu Xianwei from the Department of Environmental Science and Engineering of University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) of the Chinese Academy of Science (CAS) has made progress in the ...

Scientists unravel human-ecosystem interactions

Whether it is a single rock being overturned or an entire mountaintop being removed, humans play a continuous role in environmental processes, and vice versa. Ecological scientists will discuss findings on human-ecosystem ...

New tool for early detection of hypertension

Russian scientists have come up with a new tool for early detection of hypertension. They applied surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy powered by silver nanoparticles to detect hypertension-induced molecular changes in blood ...

Plasmonics: Growth lamps for nanoparticles

Just as gardeners can use 'growth lamps' to stimulate plant growth, materials scientists can now promote uniform growth of decahedron-shaped silver nanoparticles while they are in solution. These 10-faced solids, only tens ...

Real-time imaging of chemical processes

National University of Singapore scientists observe the real-time formation of hollow structures in the galvanic replacement (GR) reaction between silver and gold with nanometre resolution, gaining insights on the mechanisms ...

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