Related topics: children · adolescents · autism · social interaction

Probing Question: Can anyone be taught how to sing?

Think back to the last birthday party you attended. When the candles were lit, did you join everyone else in belting out the "Happy Birthday" song -- or were you too self-conscious to do more than mouth the words? Our everyday ...

The Pakistani popcorn seller who built his own plane

The engine is from a roadcutter, the wings are burlap, the wheels are borrowed from a rickshaw: a popcorn seller has caught the attention of the Pakistan Air Force by building his own plane.

Long-tailed tits help each other out

Long-tailed tits which lose their eggs or young may help to feed neighbours' chicks, researchers have found. But the degree to which they'll co-operate varies from year to year.

Sibling rivalries lead to friendly finches

A new study has revealed that growing up with lots of siblings – and fighting over food – makes zebra finches more sociable in later life. In contrast, finches with fewer siblings become pickier about who they hang out ...

When young bluebirds don't leave the nest

For a young male western bluebird, it might be better to live with one's parents as a helper for a year before starting a nest of one's own, according to a new study in Behavioral Ecology.

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