Related topics: consumers

The impact of mobile technology on purchasing patterns

How many websites have you clicked on recently that haven't converted their format to mobile, frustrating your efforts to get the information you need in an effective and timely way?

'Google TV': Sony unveils TVs with Google's Web-surfing system

Sony Corp.'s lineup of sleek televisions boasting Google Inc.'s Web-surfing system will go on sale Saturday, testing how much consumers are willing to pay to combine access to the entire Internet with their regular TV programming.

Italian architect designs world's biggest vertical garden

A shopping centre near Milan is claiming an unusual record—the biggest vertical garden in the world, covering a surface of 1,263 square metres (13,600 square feet) with a total of 44,000 plants.

Amazon launches online shopping site in India

Online retail giant Amazon launched a new Internet shopping site in India on Wednesday, stoking already fierce competition in the fast-expanding "e-tailing" market.

Economist outlines work on managing tasks and time

"When a man knows he is to be hanged in a fortnight," said Samuel Johnson, "it concentrates his mind wonderfully." Most of us, spared such an imperative, carry on in a less-concentrated state, but it holds that of limited ...

Why daring to compare online prices pays off offline

The sudden closures of big-box stores like Future Shop and Target may make it seem like online shopping is killing real-world stores. But shoppers are actually engaging in "web-to-store" shopping—buying offline after comparing ...

The new consoles from Microsoft, Nintendo and Sony (Update)

Microsoft and Sony offered new details this week on the game consoles they will start selling before the holiday shopping season. The Xbox One and the PlayStation 4 will join Nintendo's Wii U, which came out last year, in ...

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