Related topics: consumers

Even a single negative review can sink a good product, says study

Online retailers have every reason to be concerned about negative reviews, as they severely reduce the appeal of a product. An extensive study by Marton Varga of Bocconi's Department of Marketing and Paulo Albuquerque (INSEAD), ...

Online grocery baskets less varied than in-store carts

Online grocery carts tend to include less variety and fewer fruits and vegetables than those in a trip to a brick-and-mortar supermarket—but online shoppers are less susceptible to unhealthy impulse buys, a new Cornell ...

What goes into a retailer's decision to lower prices?

Holiday shoppers are finding that discounts among some of the items on their shopping lists are a little easier to find this year due to higher inventories at retailers and a slowing demand due to inflation and certain recessionary ...

The science of picky shoppers

There are hard-to-please customers in almost every industry, with certain people being picky about which clothes, houses and even romantic partners they will consider.

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