Study probes how DNA folding might affect gene activity

Russian researchers from Skoltech, the Institute of Molecular Genetics of NRC Kurchatov Institute, Lomonosov Moscow State University, and elsewhere have clarified the mechanism behind the activation of genes in drosophila ...

How to maintain gender equality through the sex chromosomes

Asymmetric sex chromosomes were independently shaped during evolution in many species, and different strategies evolved alongside to overcome the resulting imbalance in genetic information. Molecular biologist Marie-Line ...

Universal traits spotted in early evolution of sex chromosomes

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have identified unifying features in the early evolution of X and Y chromosomes. Newly evolved sex chromosomes in three fruit fly species showed the same genetic compensation ...

Why has same-sex sexual behavior persisted during evolution?

Same-sex sexual behavior may seem to present a Darwinian paradox. It provides no obvious reproductive or survival benefit, and yet same-sex sexual behavior is fairly common—around 2-10% of individuals in diverse human societies—and ...

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