Related topics: dna sequences

Enzymatic DNA synthesis sees the light

According to current estimates, the amount of data produced by humans and machines is rising at an exponential rate, with the digital universe doubling in size every two years. Very likely, the magnetic and optical data-storage ...

A search for new species on the high seas

Out of the vast number of life forms on the planet, it is estimated that fewer than 25% have been characterized, perhaps even fewer than 0.01%. Among this list, microscopic organisms are especially poorly represented: While ...

Penguin poo helps solve puzzles

Blue cod has been identified as making up a large proportion of the yellow-eyed penguin (hoiho) diet using a novel approach published by University of Otago researchers.

Your cells look young for their age, compared to a chimp's

Many humans live to see their 70s and 80s, some even reach 100 years old. But life is much shorter for our closest animal relatives. Chimpanzees, for example, rarely make it past age 50, despite sharing almost 99% of our ...

Study reveals DNA 'grammar'

DNA three-dimensional structure is determined by a series of spatial rules based on particular protein sequences and their order. This was the finding of a study recently published in Genome Biology by Luca Nanni, Ph.D. student ...

Shedding light on rapid emergence of new species

New international research led by Monash University scientists has changed our understanding of the evolutionary processes that can lead to the rapid emergence of new species.

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