PM 1-322 is a variable planetary nebula, study finds

By analyzing the data from various ground-based facilities and space telescopes, European astronomers have investigated the nature of a peculiar object known as PM 1-322. As a result, they found evidence indicating that PM ...

Computer scientists sequence cotton genome

Cotton is the primary source of natural fiber on Earth, yet only four of 50 known species are suitable for textile production. Computer scientists at DePaul University applied a bioinformatics workflow to reconstruct one ...

River erosion can shape fish evolution, study suggests

If we could rewind the tape of species evolution around the world and play it forward over hundreds of millions of years to the present day, we would see biodiversity clustering around regions of tectonic turmoil. Tectonically ...

Elephant in the dining room: Startup makes mammoth meatball

Throw another mammoth on the barbie? An Australian company on Tuesday lifted the glass cloche on a meatball made of lab-grown cultured meat using the genetic sequence from the long-extinct pachyderm, saying it was meant to ...

Discovering unique microbes made easy with new software platform

Microbes are foundational for life on Earth. These tiny organisms play a major role in everything from transforming sunlight into the fundamental molecules of life. They help to produce much of the oxygen in our atmosphere. ...

Europe-wide study on the epigenetics of field pennycress

Small differences in DNA sequence contribute to heritable variations within a species, as do chemical modifications of DNA called epigenetic changes. In order to better understand the significance of such epigenetic changes ...

Seven draft genomes published for Nordic hare species

Researchers at the University of Eastern Finland, in collaboration with colleagues from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU, Sveriges lantbruks universitet), have published seven draft genomes for Nordic ...

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