Google toughens security with Gmail encryption (Update)

Google said Thursday its popular Gmail service would use encryption to thwart snooping, in the latest move by the tech sector reassuring customers following revelations about US surveillance programs.

Clapper calls on Snowden to return NSA documents

Director of National Intelligence James Clapper wants former NSA systems analyst Edward Snowden to return the rest of the secret documents he took before making them public.

Government panel urges end to phone data spying (Update 2)

A sharply divided government task force that reviewed the National Security Agency's surveillance program for four months has urged President Barack Obama to shut down the agency's bulk collection of phone data and purge ...

Lawmakers say Obama surveillance idea won't work

A chief element of President Barack Obama's attempt to overhaul U.S. surveillance will not work, leaders of Congress' intelligence committees said Sunday, pushing back against the idea that the government should cede control ...

Proposed spy phone record shift draws resistance

Telephone companies are quietly balking at the idea of changing how they collect and store Americans' phone records to help the National Security Agency's surveillance programs. They are worried about their exposure to lawsuits ...

AT&T says it will publish reports on data requests (Update 2)

AT&T Inc. says it will publish reports on the number of requests for customer information that it receives from law enforcement agencies, the latest move in the telecommunications industry toward fuller disclosure amid debate ...

Ransomware no cause for New Year celebration: Sophos

( —From operating systems on desktops to software and peripherals on smartphones, information thieves have been clever, inventive and successfully stealthy in finding pathways for stealing personal information. ...

White House to keep NSA, cyber oversight together

A group reviewing the National Security Agency's surveillance programs and cyber command operations sent President Barack Obama more than 40 recommendations on intelligence collection and government spying.

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