Sen. Wyden: NSA tech spying hurts economy

Google Chairman Eric Schmidt and other Silicon Valley executives say controversial government spying programs are undercutting the Internet economy and want Congress to step up stalled reform.

US threatened Yahoo with huge fine over surveillance

US authorities threatened to fine Yahoo $250,000 a day if it failed to comply with a secret surveillance program requiring it to hand over user data in the name of national security, court documents showed Thursday.

US warns shops to watch for customer data hacking

The US Department of Homeland Security on Friday warned businesses to watch for hackers targeting customer data with malicious computer code like that used against retail giant Target.

Patient choice and hospital capacity during a pandemic

Allowing patients to choose which hospital they attend when suffering illness during a pandemic rather than assigning them to a specific healthcare facility is appealing to patients during such a crisis. However, such a patient-centric ...

NSA finds no emails from Snowden about wrongdoing

The National Security Agency says so far it can't find any emails from former systems analyst Edward Snowden complaining about wrongdoing or abuse regarding U.S. surveillance programs.

Wash Post, Guardian share Pulitzer for NSA coverage (Update)

The Guardian and the Washington Post shared a Pulitzer Prize Monday for reporting on leaks from former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden that revealed a global surveillance network monitoring millions of ...

US police phone-tracking accords often kept secret (Update)

Police across the U.S. may be intercepting phone calls or text messages to find suspects using a technology tool known as Stingray. But they are refusing to turn over details about its use or heavily censoring files when ...

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