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Hackers may hit home for the holidays

It could be a merry holiday season for hackers, with millions of new and potentially vulnerable Internet-connected gadgets hitting the market.

New hacks strike at heart of mobile innovations

As fierce competition leads to rapid innovation in the smartphone market, hackers have pounced on cracks in defenses of developments on devices at the heart of modern lifestyles, experts say.

US data breach is intelligence coup for China

The hacking of millions of US government employees is likely part of an effort by Chinese intelligence for long-term profiling—and possibly more nefarious things.

Tech firms 'will win' encryption battle: Google chief

Technology firms will ultimately prevail in their efforts to use strong encryption on devices that cannot be accessed by the government, Google executive chairman Eric Schmidt said Wednesday.

Chinese spy team hacks security firms

US cyber security firms on Tuesday said that a Chinese espionage team hacked Forbes magazine to hunt defense contractors, financial firms, and other unsuspecting prey visiting the popular news website.

Sony hack adds to security pressure on companies

Faced with rising cybercrime like the attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment, companies worldwide are under pressure to tighten security but are hampered by cost and, for some, reluctance to believe they are in danger.

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