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Blackwater game aims for fun, not controversy

(AP) -- In the world of video games, realism reigns supreme, but the makers of a game based on the infamous private security firm Blackwater are intentionally steering clear of it.

'No leak of key info' in Mitsubishi cyber attack

Japan's defence minister on Tuesday said cyber attackers who breached security at defence contractor Mitsubishi Heavy Industries had not got their hands on any sensitive data.

Researchers flag phony domains in e-mail security study

( -- A paper released this week shows how an e-mail scoffing technique picks up personal employee information, company secrets and passwords almost effortlessly with just the setting up of domain and e-mail server. ...

Registration begins for .xxx Internet porn domain

Pornography dealers can start registering on the industry's own exclusive .xxx web domain on Wednesday following its approval by an international regulatory body earlier this year, the domain operator said.

Experts suspect Iran involvement in Dutch hacking

(AP) -- Hackers who broke into a Dutch web security firm have issued hundreds of bogus security certificates for spy agency websites including the CIA as well as for Internet giants like Google, Microsoft and Twitter, the ...

JailBreakMe creator lands internship at Apple

A 19-year-old New York man who created a program that allows iPhone users to "jailbreak" the device to run unauthorized applications claims to have landed an internship at Apple.

Security firm finds smartphones lacking in security

( -- viaForensics, a computer security firm, has undertaken an exhaustive study to determine just how secure data is on smartphones; their results show that data such as login names, passwords, account numbers ...

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