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Cybercriminals target phones, Android 'most exposed'

Cybercriminals are sneaking a fast-increasing amount of malware into smartphones to steal data or even money, with those running on Google's Android most exposed to security threats, analysts said.

Firm warns of hacker threat to mobile gadgets

Cyber security veterans behind startup CrowdStrike will demonstrate at the RSA conference on Wednesday that the types of attacks used against computers are heading for smartphones.

Symantec urges users to disable pcAnywhere

Symantec is recommending that users of its pcAnywhere software disable the product following the theft of source code from the US computer security firm.

Koobface computer virus gang unmasked

Online security researchers claimed Tuesday to have identified the members of a Russian gang of cyber criminals behind the Koobface computer virus which has attacked Facebook and other sites.

Ramnit's heist bags 45,000 Facebook passwords

( -- Ramnit, the bank-thieving worm, is at it again, this time scoffing up Facebook accounts. The latest oh-look-another-threat is one that security watchers say could get ugly. Ramnit has grown up since it was ...

Spammers propel India to junk-mail top spot

India has emerged as the world's top source of junk mail as spammers make use of lax laws and absent enforcement to turn the country into a centre of unsolicited email.

'Anonymous' hackers target US security think tank

Hackers with the loose-knit movement "Anonymous" claimed on Sunday to have stolen a raft of emails and credit card data from U.S.-based security think tank Stratfor, promising it was just the start of a weeklong, Christmas-inspired ...

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