Related topics: protein · hormone · bacteria

Unique X-ray microscope reveals dazzling 3-D cell images

The planet comprises continents and islands, each with unique cultures and resources. One area may be well known for growing food, another for manufacturing building materials, and yet despite their differences and distance ...

Different responses in individual cells give muscles more control

Minute differences in individual muscle cell contractions allow the entire muscle to flex with greater control and accuracy. Long dismissed as "noise" or error, experts now suspect that biological systems may have evolved ...

Hormones control paternal interest in offspring

Basing their research on an unexpected interspecies difference between rats and mice, researchers at Karolinska Institutet and Stockholm University have mapped a system in the brain that controls paternal behavior towards ...

Researchers show how opportunistic bacterium defeats competitors

Researchers at the University of São Paulo (USP) in Brazil have described a system present in a species of opportunistic bacterium found in hospital environments that injects a cocktail of toxins into competing bacteria ...

Secure printing with water-based invisible ink

Researchers in China have developed a rewriteable paper coating that can encrypt secret information with relatively low-tech invisible ink—water. A message printed out by a water-jet printer on a manganese-complex-coated ...

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