Study expands possibilities for treating neurological diseases

Researchers in Japan have gained valuable insights into 'stress granules'—clumps of RNAs and proteins that form when cells are stressed by factors such as heat, toxins and viruses, deepening the understanding of proteins ...

The big clean up after stress

Toxic substances, nutrient shortage, viral infection, heat and many other events trigger stress responses in cells. In such cases, the affected cells launch a programme which tries to protect them against stress-related damages. ...

Putting proteins in their proper place

A host of special molecules called nuclear RNA-binding proteins (RBPs), when misplaced outside the nucleus, form the harmful clumps seen in several brain disorders, including frontotemporal dementia (FTD) and amyotrophic ...

'Poker face' stripped away by new-age tech

Dolby Laboratories chief scientist Poppy Crum tells of a fast-coming time when technology will see right through people no matter how hard they try to hide their feelings.

Stephen Hawking, the 'superhuman' pop culture star

Very few people may have read and understood "A Brief History of Time", but the physicist Stephen Hawking carved himself out a place in pop culture equalled only by Albert Einstein.

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