First demonstration of antimatter wave interferometry

Matter waves constitute a crucial feature of quantum mechanics, in which particles have wave properties in addition to particle characteristics. This wave-particle duality was postulated in 1924 by the French physicist Louis ...

Texas votes to change science lessons challenging evolution

The Texas Board of Education has preliminarily voted to ease—but not completely eliminate—state high school science curriculum requirements that experts argued cast doubt on the theory of evolution.

Texas mulls changing science standards questioning evolution

The Texas Board of Education will decide whether to scrap a requirement that public schools teach high school students to scrutinize "all sides" of scientific theory after hearing Tuesday from academics who say that was meant ...

How "The Big Bang Theory" portrays scientists

Love it or hate it, you've probably at least heard of CBS's hit TV show The Big Bang Theory, now in its 10th year of production. But how accurately does it portray scientific culture, and does it break or reinforce stereotypes? ...

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