Scientists envision what Mars would look like as an exoplanet

In science fiction movies and television shows, real-life locations on Earth, such as California's Redwood National Forest and the Sahara Desert, have long been used to represent alien worlds. But recently, in a Star Trek-style ...

Thriving in non-equilibrium

Equilibrium may be hard to achieve in our lives, but it is the standard state of nature.

Researchers translate insect defense chemicals into eerie sounds

Sawfly larvae protect themselves by secreting cocktails of unpleasant, volatile chemicals intended to repel predators, particularly ants. Researchers can assess the effectiveness of these defenses by staging meetups, so-called ...

How cellular fingertips may help cells 'speak' to each other

What if you found out that you could heal using only a finger? It sounds like science fiction, reminiscent of the 1982 movie "E.T." Well, it turns out that your body's own cells can do something similarly unexpected. Researchers ...

Algorithms and lasers tame chemical reactivity

Researchers have developed an algorithm for photochemistry, bringing the burgeoning field a step closer to the goal of using different colors of light like a switch to activate a range of different chemical reactions in one ...

Controlling the speed of light bullets

Though it sounds like something straight out of science fiction, controlling the speed of light has in fact been a long-standing challenge for physicists. In a study recently published in Communications Physics, researchers ...

Time crystals lead researchers to future computational work

Time crystals sound like something out of science fiction, but they may be the next major leap in quantum network research. A team based in Japan has proposed a method to use time crystals to simulate massive networks with ...

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