Energy from microbes for drying sewage sludge

A new biodrying process from Siemens quickly converts sewage sludge into a usable form while saving energy. When dried with the new process, sludge from wastewater treatment can be used as fertilizer, dumped in landfills ...

Cool muscles: Storing elastic energy for flight

( —Flying has always fascinated humans, probably because we are so relentlessly Earthbound. One of the things that interests researchers who study flight is the question of how animals that do it can generate the ...

Connected security systems tether homes to owners' smartphones

When Debbie Klava's daughters come home from school in Elk Grove, Calif., she knows the minute they walk in the front door. Even though she's working in an office 90 minutes away, she gets an email or cellphone text when ...

Energy saving lamp is eco-winner

In a new study, EMPA researchers have investigated the ecobalances of various household light sources. In doing so not only did they take into account energy consumption, but also the manufacture and disposal processes. They ...

Magnetic power offers energy-saving alternative

The Office of Naval Research has designed a system that controls electrical flow for lighting, a highly efficient platform that may spark a new era of power savings.

A 'clear path' to solar power

Solar cells integrated into new construction, particularly skyscrapers, are an enticing energy option. However, this effort can be hampered by the cost and architectural considerations sometimes needed to mount traditional ...

Robots help to answer age-old question of why fish school

A fish school is a striking demonstration of synchronicity. Yet centuries of study have left a basic question unanswered: Do fish save energy by swimming in schools? Now, scientists from the Max Planck Institute of Animal ...

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