Survey: Americans eager to reduce their energy use

Many Americans have already taken action to reduce their energy use and many others would do the same if they could afford to, according to a national survey conducted by Yale and George Mason universities.

A way to reduce the Internet's energy drain

( -- Swiss researchers at EPFL have developed a device intended for monitoring and saving the energy consumed by large data centers. It was developed in collaboration with Credit Suisse, which has used it to equip ...

Squashed loft insulation 50 percent less effective

Research from the National Physical Laboratory (NPL) has shown that by squashing down loft insulation, for example under storage boxes, homeowners almost halve its performance.

School children could lead the way on sustainability

Many children are not only passionate about environmental issues, but more than capable of driving forward sustainability initiatives, argues new research into the role of schools in developing more sustainable communities. ...

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