Gulf's 'dead zone' much smaller than predicted (w/ Video)

NOAA-supported scientists, led by Nancy Rabalais, Ph.D., from the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium (LUMCON), found the size of this year's Gulf of Mexico dead zone to be smaller than forecasted, measuring 3,000 square ...

Mars Odyssey Alters Orbit to Study Warmer Ground

( -- NASA's long-lived Mars Odyssey spacecraft has completed an eight-month adjustment of its orbit, positioning itself to look down at the day side of the planet in mid-afternoon instead of late afternoon.

Researchers study salt's potential to store energy

( -- When the wind blows, it blows — sometimes to a fault. The same is true for the sun: It can beat down relentlessly, scorching everything — and everyone-beneath its intense rays.

Waxy plant substance key for absorption of water, nutrients

( -- While proving a long-held theory that suberin blocks water and nutrient absorption in plants, a Purdue University scientist learned more about manipulating the substance to better feed plants.

Scientists offer new theory for largest known mass extinction

The largest mass extinction in the history of the earth could have been triggered off by giant salt lakes, whose emissions of halogenated gases changed the atmospheric composition so dramatically that vegetation was irretrievably ...

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