Bacteria engage sulfur for plant salt tolerance

Understanding the interplay between bacteria and sulfur is leading to exciting biotechnologies that could enable crops to be irrigated with salty water.

How taste cells can control a whole animal's foraging strategy

Neuroscientists have developed a computer model to explain how a nematode worm searches for food, revealing that single brain cells can both sense the environment and control a whole animal's foraging strategy.   

The right mixture of salts to get life started

In modern organisms, the hereditary material DNA encodes the instructions for the synthesis of proteins—the versatile nanomachines that enable modern cells to function and replicate. But how was this functional linkage ...

New salts raise the bar for lithium ion battery technology

Lithium ion batteries are set to take a dominant role in electric vehicles and other applications in the near future—but the battery materials, currently in use, fall short in terms of safety and performance and are holding ...

Simple, inexpensive method for guarding carbon fiber

For the past 50 years, manufacturers have considered carbon fiber a dream material: Though individual fibers are thinner than a strand of human hair, they can be twisted together and fused with a matrix material to form a ...

A new key for species identification in salt marsh harvest mice

It's hard to save what you can't identify. That's been a problem for the endangered salt marsh harvest mouse, which is found only in the salty, brackish waters of the San Francisco Bay area. The mouse competes for space with ...

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