How British wildlife greeted the warmest winter on record

Written on the final, frozen day of 1900, Thomas Hardy's poem The Darkling Thrush describes a harsh, ice-blasted landscape devoid of life. Hardy's depiction of a time "when frost was spectre-gray" evokes a winter that is ...

Puzzle about nitrogen solved thanks to cometary analogs

One of the basic building blocks of life is nitrogen. An international consortium was able to detect ammonium salt containing nitrogen on the cometary surface of Chury thanks to a method using analogs for comet material. ...

Fresh groundwater flow important for coastal ecosystems

Groundwater is the largest source of freshwater, one of the world's most precious natural resources and vital for crops and drinking water. It is found under our very feet in the cracks and pores in soil, sediments and rocks. ...

NASA satellite offers urban carbon dioxide insights

A new NASA/university study of carbon dioxide emissions for 20 major cities around the world provides the first direct, satellite-based evidence that as a city's population density increases, the carbon dioxide it emits per ...

New technology helps reduce salt, keep flavor

Eating too much salt can have significant negative health implications, and modern processed food typically contains high levels of salt to improve taste and preservation.

TRAX air quality study expands

For more than five years, University of Utah air quality sensors have hitched rides on TRAX light rail trains, scanning air pollution along the train's Red and Green Lines. Now the study, once a passion project of U researchers, ...

Do soils need a low-salt diet?

Doctors often tell their patients to reduce their salt intake as part of a healthy lifestyle. When we start looking at food labels, we may find salt in surprising places—like baked goods, drinks and canned foods.

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